- 2016.10.21
Earthquake Information(2016.10.21)
- 2016.10.19
Multilingual Free Professional Consultation for Foreige Residents Consultatation
- 2016.10.04
Tyhoon Warning(2016.10.4)
- 2016.09.21
Emergency Handbook for Foreign Nationals and Emergency Card
- 2016.09.18
Typhoon Warning (2016.9.18)
- 2016.09.02
Typhoon Warning (2016.9.2)
- 2016.09.02
Urgent notice: “Etiquette Workshop for Foreign Nationals” in Hofu postponed due to upcoming typhoon(2016.9.2)
- 2016.09.02
Would you like to join “International Exchange Program in Tokuji”?(We have already reached the cap of 20 applicants, and have stopped accepting applications.)