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  3. Information
  4. Information about Child Allowance in Multiple Languages (Written by CLAIR)


Information about Child Allowance in Multiple Languages (Written by CLAIR)

  • 公開日:2010年05月12日

We would like to notify you that CLAIR has offered information on Child Allowance in 12 different languages.

For details such as the application deadline and how to get a Child Allowance Authorization Application Form, please contact your local city/town hall.


1  A new child allowance can be received in the following situations

 (1) About the new child allowance system

   From April 2010, a child allowance is paid to persons who have registered as residents in Japan or who have completed their alien registration and are raising children who meet the requirements to receive the new child allowance and supporting them with their own income.

   However, people whose residence (visa) status is “short-stay” or “entertainer”, or people who do not have a status of residence do not qualify to receive a child allowance.


 (2) Children who meet the requirements to receive the new child allowance

   Children from 0 years old until the age of finishing junior high school (the first March 31 after becoming 15 years old) meet the requirements.


 (3) Allowance amount

   \13,000 is paid per month for each child.

   This does not apply only to children living in Japan; it also applies to children living overseas. However, in such circumstances, documents of proof, etc. as stated in 2-(3) are required.


 (4) Time and method of payment

   Payment is made three times per year (June, October, and February) in lump sum payments for the 4 months up to the month prior to payment. Payment is made by bank transfer to the account of the person raising the child.

   Regarding the June 2010 allowance payment, since the system began in April, the amount paid on this occasion is for 2 months (April and May).


2  People who wish to receive payment of the child allowance must make an application

 (1) An application must be made in order to receive a child allowance payment. Those who wish to receive a child allowance must fill in a 「子ども手当認定請求書」(Kodomo Teate Nintei Shinsei Sho [Child Allowance Authorization Application Form]) and make an application at the application office of their city, ward, town or village. The office will then examine the application. If the application is authorized, the applicant will receive payment of a child allowance

 (However, as of March 31, 2010, people who already receive a child allowance [jido teate] according to the old system and do not have another child who is eligible for the new child allowance [kodomo teate], do not need to make an application. However, they must make a report of present circumstances [genjo todoke] in June.)


 (2) Documents etc. to be presented with the “Kodomo Teate Nintei Shinsei Sho” application form when making an application

• Copy of the Alien Registration Certificate (card) of the applicant

• Copy of the Health Insurance Certificate of the applicant (if they subscribe to a health insurance scheme)

• Copy of the bank pass book of the account to which the child allowance is to be transferred to (must be the account of the applicant)

• Other documents may be required if deemed necessary


 (3) People who make applications for a child allowance for children living overseas are required provide the following documents and proof of the following items together with the above documents.

• A “Child Allowance: Statement Regarding Custody and Support of Children Residing outside Japan”「日本国外に居住する子どもに係る監護及び生計に関する申立書」(an official format of this form has been prepared)

• A birth certificate issued by an official office (a document which certifies the relationship between the applicant and the child)

• A resident’s certificate issued by an official office (a document that certifies that the child lived together with the applicant who took care of the child before they came to Japan)

• A Japanese translation of the above “Child Allowance: Statement Regarding Custody and Support of Children Residing outside Japan” (information written in the form in a foreign language) as well as other documents done by a third party living in Japan is required.

• A record in the applicant’s passport to show that they have left and reentered Japan more than 2 times a year to meet the child.

• A bank remittance form, etc. to prove that money has been sent at a rate of about once every 4 months for the child’s living and school expenses, etc.


 (5) Regarding allowances for the year 2010, if an application is made by September 30, the allowances from April will be received.


 (6) Since payment of the allowance for children born after April 1, or people who arrived in Japan after that date, begins with the sum for the month after an application is made, people in such circumstances are asked to make their application as soon as possible after the birth or arriving in Japan.

3  Please Note

Notification procedures are required in the following circumstances

• When there is a change of address (If an applicant [recipient] moves to a different city, ward, town or village, a new Child Allowance application is required at the office for the new address.)

• When the applicant or the child for whom the allowance is being received leaves Japan

• When the applicant (recipient) no longer takes care of the child

• When the applicant (recipient) and child live separately

• When, due to birth or death, the number of children for whom the allowance applies changes

• When the bank account to which the allowance is transferred changes (A new transfer can be made only to the account of the applicant.)



*The information above can be taken a look at in multiple languages. (Written by CLAIR)


Chinese   Korean   Portuguese   Spanish   Tagalog   Thai   Vietnamese


Russian    Indonesian   French   German
