2021 Schedule of Japanese Language Classes for Foreign Nationals
- 公開日:2021年03月24日
- General
There are 16 Japanese Language classes taught by volunteers within the prefecture (Shimonoseki, Ube, Yamaguchi, Hagi, Hofu, Kudamatsu, Hikari, Iwakuni, Nagato, Shunan, and Sanyo Onoda).
The schedule for Japanese language classes is subject to change. Please contact each classroom for class details.
◆2021 Schedule of Japanese Language Classes for Foreign Nationals [English・英語]
Basic Japanese Language Classes held by volunteers available in the following 16 places in Yamaguchi. Please check it out! The place and date of the class may change due to COVID-19. Please check with the host of the class to confirm that it will take place.
教室に 参加する 前に、日本語教室が 開講されて いるか、確認して ください。